Trip Application

Personal Information

First Name: Last Name:
State: Zip:
Home Phone: Cell Phone: E-Mail:
Passport Number: Passport Expiry Date: Gender:
School: Grade Level: Birth Date:

Emergency Contacts

First Contact

Name: Relation: Day Phone:
Email: Evening Phone: Cell Phone:

Second Contact

Name: Relation: Day Phone:
Email: Evening Phone: Cell Phone:

Parental Contacts


Name: Relation: Day Phone:
Email: Evening Phone: Cell Phone:

Next of Kin

Name: Relation: Day Phone:
Email: Evening Phone: Cell Phone:

General Questions

1. How did you hear about this trip:

2. Do you speak Spanish:  

3. Do you have any pre-existing medical conditions? If yes, please describe:

4. Do you have any physical or mental health conditions of which our trip leaders should be
    aware? If yes, please describe:

5. List any medications (both prescription or over-the counter) that you are taking.

6. Indicate if you are Vegetarian, Vegan, or have any other eating restrictions.

Please select all that apply:
Please list restrictions and/or allergies:

7. Please indicate those skills, experiences, and qualities that you bring to the trip.

Please check all that apply: