Learning about the history of El Salvador
IP leaders will make your trip meaningful and safe, but you need to prepare yourself for this unique experience. There will be organizing and training meetings. Most of the essentials, like "What to Bring," are on the IP website, but you must learn the basics that you will find by clicking on "What You Need to Know" and in the "Delegate Training" sections.
By fully preparing, you will enjoy yourself and make the trip successful for you, your delegation, and your host village. IP provides these kinds of help:
- Your IP Trip Coordinator or your Group Organizer will set a calendar of pre-trip meetings for preparing, organizing, and training. These include how to raise funds for your trip and how to stay healthy.
- Once registered, you will get a delegate "log-in" and "password." Then log on to our "Delegate Training" and work your way through each of the training sections until you know what to expect. Check out the video segments – they are helpful orientations.
- Send your questions to TripCoordinator@internationalpartners.org