Where You Can Go

We specialize in sending delegations to economically impoverished villages in rural El Salvador.

Why El Salvador?

El Salvador is one of our closest neighbors and is a country filled with warm, generous and hardworking people who have had to struggle against the obstacles posed by a prolonged civil war, many natural disasters, and widespread environmental damage. Our delegates return, having fallen in love with the families that took care of them, worked with them, and laughed with them.

In El Salvador, the lack of jobs, educational opportunity and resources keep forcing people north.  Most of the many Salvadorans who now live in the United States came out of desperation to support themselves and their children. They need alternatives so that they can choose to stay at home in El Salvador with their families. And those who stay at home deserve at least clean water and access to health care, education, and opportunities to earn a living.

We want to support people who are struggling to survive. Our goal is to empower local leaders by helping them create oportunities for people in their communities.

By concentrating our volunteer resources, we can build relationships with local community leaders and nongovernmental organizations that last years — long enough to help us understand the obstacles people face well enough to make a difference.

When you join a delegation you join something that will last far beyond your trip.